A proud member of

West End Tigers




This half-term, a coach from Castleford Tigers has come into school to help the children in Year 5 improve their rugby league skills in their PE lessons. The children have learnt how to hold the ball with their fingertips when they are moving with it so they don’t drop it.  They have also started to learn now to run and pass with the ball with accuracy and at the correct speed so that they don’t “knock on”. After the first session, Reuben said, “We were told about the importance of keeping hold of the ball by making a W shape with our hands.”  Fraizer added, “We also learnt how to pass the ball by keeping our hands at waist height wherever possible to improve our accuracy.”


Congratulations to the following children for winning an achievement award at Tuesday’s assembly.


Year 1: Mila Oldroyd

Year 2: Eesa Irfan

Year 3: Keira Brady

Year 4: Amelia Evans

Year 5: Tilly Johnson

Year 6: Fidha Irfan

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