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This half-term, our school council has been meeting to look at ways in which they can improve the experiences for all the children. The group want improve the lunch time equipment to create a play environment that is accessible, fun and enjoyable for all. They discussed how they could create a puzzle and board game area, as well as introduce new play equipment such as balance boards and bowling balls. After a meeting, Jack said, “We want children to get better at different sports so we have bought more equipment to allow them to practise their skills.”  Olivia added, “We have bought some more creative resources for the wellbeing garden so it continues to be a calm environment for all.”


Congratulations to the following children for winning an achievement award at Tuesday’s assembly.


Year 1:  James Sidebottom

Year 2:  Lillie Evans

Year 3:  Frankie Wood

Year 4:  Tommy Scott

Year 5:  Kate Johnson-Hatten

Year 6:  Ivy Clough

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