Last half-term, the children in year 1 visited Eureka, the national children’s museum, and took part in lots of learning activities.
The class watched a special show about their senses. Some were chosen to identify different smells using their nose and different hidden objects using only touch – this was very tricky! The children also visited the All About Me section to find out more about their body.
Afterwards, Aleeya said, “The show was fun. We learnt a new word “umami” which is used when the taste is sour like a lemon. It can also describe a sweet taste. Cienna added, “In the museum, we also learnt more about how the body and the brain work together to show how we’re feeling.”
Congratulations to the following children for winning an achievement award at Tuesday’s assembly.
Year 1: George Cooke
Year 2: Zak Stones
Year 3: Isla Wainwright
Year 4: Charlie Slater
Year 5: Isabelle Booth
Year 6: Levi Barrass