This half-term, some children in key stage 2 have had the opportunity to take part in a special club to develop their reading fluency.
The children chorally read extracts from The Tempest by William Shakespeare before working in smaller groups to develop their reading linked to expression, volume and pace. After time rehearsing, the children put on a special performance in the playground. Mrs Johnson, the English leader, said “It was great to see the children applying their reading skills to show how the characters were feeling as Prospero’s violent storm hit their ship.” Amelia added, “I really enjoyed reading parts of The Tempest that I decided to get the book out of the library to read all of it.”
Congratulations to the following children for winning an achievement award at Tuesday’s assembly.
Year 1:
Year 2: Molly Noble
Year 3: Cohen Brown
Year 4: Bentley Godfrey
Year 5: Logan Shaw
Year 6: Archie Barlow