A proud member of

Super Sculptures




Last week, year 3 visited the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield to get inspiration from Barbara Hepworth’s artwork. The children went around the galleries and chose the artwork that was their favourite or most interesting. Then, they sketched the designs, considering the different shapes. After, a resident artist helped the children with some clay sculpting, using the skills they had learnt in a design and technology lesson back at school. Nova said, “I enjoyed looking at Barbara Hepworth’s artwork in the museum. The work was very modern, abstract and shaped in different ways.” Ivy-Jae added, “I enjoyed making the sculptures because I learnt how to make patterns in the clay with different objects and tools.”


Congratulations to the following children for winning an achievement award at Tuesday’s assembly.


Year 1:  Mya Holmes

Year 2:  Hunter-Lee Tansley

Year 3:  Mia Slater-Gillespie

Year 4:  Chase Flavell

Year 5:  Edith Clough

Year 6:  Oliver Stephens

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