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Space Webinar




Last week, the children in year 5 took part in an online interactive space talk to help them build on what they are studying in school and make links between their learning. The webinar showed images from space and explained how the Earth’s satellites work. It also helped the class to see how the Earth’s atmosphere affects climate change. This linked back to learning from the autumn term in geography about fossil fuels. Cayden said, “We learnt why space debris in the atmosphere has a negative impact on our environment.” Ben added, “We already know that fossil fuels are bad for the planet. This is because they release pollutants which become trapped in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer.”


Congratulations to the following children for winning an achievement award at Tuesday’s assembly.


Year 1:  Isla Hopkins

Year 2:  Oliver-James Ellis

Year 3:

Year 4:  Lacey-May Godfrey

Year 5:  Unique Clement

Year 6:  Maci-Jay Wain

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