A proud member of

Fabulous Fencing




This term, children from years 4 and 5 are having the opportunity to take part in fencing in an after-school club. The school uses some of its sports funding to ensure our children get the chance to try out sports that they haven’t participated in before. In one of  the sessions, the trained instructor has encouraged the children to move their heels and their toes in order to step forwards and backwards. Cayden said, “The stance is particularly important and you need to have a hand behind your head to protect yourself when you begin.”  Amelia added, “A foil is the name of one of the swords in fencing. It is a flexible sword that we practice with. There is also a sabre sword.”


Congratulations to the following children for winning an achievement award at Tuesday’s assembly.


Year 1:  Iris Craven

Year 2:  Vlad Munteanu

Year 3:  Maya-Ray Wain

Year 4:  Cayden Anderson

Year 6:  Harry Taberner



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